Thursday, May 22, 2008

Los Verdes - The Green Party of Orihuela Costa

The Green Party are really trying their best and one of their blogs is worth a visit as it contains some interesting photographs:

1 comment:

Elliot Sampford said...

Whilst I appreciate your complimentary reference to the work Los Verdes are doing and the Blog, which is part of the ‘Clean up the Costa’ campaign; I must emphasis to any readers of this Blog ( that Los Verdes are NOT associated or linked in any way to it.

It is unfortunate that the colour chosen for this Blog, being very similar to that of the Los Verdes Blog could mislead readers to assume that there is a link.

I must ask you to clarify to your readers that Los Verdes are in no way associated to your Blog.

Elliot Sampford,
English Spokesman – Orihuela Costa,
Los Verdes de Orihuela.